September 12, 2025 - Downtown, Kent OH
Escott and Company ZenBusiness Bonsky Heating & Cooling Holiday Inn Kent Bella Roofing PARTA Kent Central Gateway
Wayside Furniture Nutrl Bud Light Ganley Chevy

Open Mic Hosted By Pat Vaughn

Got music? Come play! Your host Patrick Vaughan’s blues-driven rockabilly that’ll kick-start your pulse, melody-rich ballads of love and loss, and an array of jangling, pump-your-fist protest cries for overdue change in our world’s state of affairs. If he’s not daydreaming out loud, recalling happiness or heartache, then he’s painting a picture of what it feels like to be here, and you can feel it in the music that Patrick’s talking to us all, whoever we are.

Pat Vaughn on ReverbNation